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Member Benefits

Whether you work on the editorial, business or freelance side of Jewish journalism or represent a Jewish organization that seeks to connect with Jewish media, the American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) offers you the opportunity to connect, learn and solve problems.

Social Media Channels & Membership Communications

Through its social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and regular e-mails, the Association regularly informs the membership about editorial and business management issues. Members are also updated about upcoming AJPA events, promotions, changes and employment opportunities within the North American Jewish journalism community.

Annual Meeting and Conference

The annual conference provides an extraordinary opportunity for editors, business managers and freelancers to connect with elected officials, policy experts, newsmakers, opinion leaders, industry executives and one another. Composed of workshops, plenary sessions and social events, it also provides a valuable occasion to exchange views and insights on such diverse issues as new media trends and how to attract and sustain the next generation of readers. Past conference presentations, audio and video recordings are also available to members by contacting AJPA headquarters.

The AJPA Group Forums

AJPA offers its members the opportunity to ask questions of one another and receive answers from a number of other professionals through its Group Forums. The different Group Forums allow a member who wants his/her colleagues' advice to send out one message that automatically reaches all AJPA professionals within an appropriate group. AJPA manages four Group Forums: one for editors, one for business managers, one for freelancers and editors to exchange story ideas, queries and articles, and one for freelancers to network with one another. This is another benefit exclusive to members Please click here to access the Group Forums.

Overseas Press Trips

AJPA works with foreign governments, airlines and international organizations to sponsor overseas press trips for AJPA member journalists. This trips are not regularly scheduled and will only be host as they are available to us. 


We put our freelancer's front and center with our Freelancer Corner slider on the homepage. Freelancers on this slider are automatically rotated, with a link to our Freelancer Directory page which features all current freelance members.

AJPA Ad Network

AJPA members have exclusive access to the AJPA digital ad network. There is no cost to AJPA members to participate in the ad network. If you are a current member, please click here for information on how to register your publication. 

Online Membership Directory

This constantly updated source contains key contact information about Jewish publications nationwide and is only available to members. News sources, public relations professionals and prospective advertisers rely on it to locate Jewish publications in their area and nationwide. Because AJPA publications attract a largely affluent, steady, loyal readership, national and local companies have found it good business to advertise in them. There are several different ways to search the directory – by state, country or name of the publication or staff member. This database is for members only and is passcoded. Non-members can access much of our site, including a list of our full membership and complete information on our freelancers, but only paid members will be able to access this exclusive online membership directory.

The Annual Simon Rockower Awards

AJPA sponsors this annual journalism competition to promote and recognize excellence. Entries are judged by a team of qualified journalists, professors and media representatives from outside the AJPA membership. The awards contest is open only to AJPA member publications and freelancers. Traditionally the awards open in the Fall and entries are due mid to late January.

Job Bank

AJPA maintains a clearinghouse for publications seeking employees in Jewish journalism. A job bank is available on AJPA’s website where members may post help wanted ads.


Periodically, AJPA will hold an integrated conference call and online presentation for all AJPA members about various issues affecting the Jewish press community. Webinars and other conference calls give our members a chance to communicate ideas and techniques with their colleagues in the Jewish press to improve their newspaper content, business strategies, etc. Webinars are a great chance for members to learn from an industry expert without having to travel further than their own computer.

Freelancer-Publication Directory

This directory can be used as a guide for freelance members to better understand how AJPA-member publications work with freelance writers. Click here to view the directory.

Learn, build, connect and grow with AJPA!

JOIN NOW to receive these benefits and become part of the network of journalists and groups dedicated to providing the finest Jewish journalism in the world! Click here to view AJPA's different membership categories. 

American jewish press association

Call or Email us
Phone: 480-403-4602
Fax: 480-935-5270
Email: info@ajpa.org

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