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The 26th Annual Simon Rockower Award Winners

2007 competition (for work done in 2006)

Category 1: The Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary
(Three column submission)

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and all Magazines/Websites.

First Place
Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, PA
"If You Build It, Will It Come?” "Somebody Else’s Job,” and "Protestant, Catholic, Jew and Muslim” by Jonathan Tobin

Second Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Baltimore, MD

"Did God Do It?” "Bon Voyage,” and "On Death” by Neil Rubin

Third Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ

"Letter to a Son at Sleep Away Camp,” "The Outside World,” and "Carter’s Bitter Pills” by Andrew Silow-Carroll

Division B. Newspapers between 7,500 and 15,000 circulation.

First Place
The Rockland Jewish Reporter, New York, NY
"Balancing on One Foot,” "Remembering May Have to be Enough,” and "Truth, Justice and the Hasmonean Way” by Marla Cohen

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"City Life,” "Tableau,” and "Distance” by Tehilla Goldberg

Third Place
Chicago Jewish News, Chicago, IL

"Jews and Darfur,” "Talking and Listening,” and "Real Jewish People” by Joseph Aaron

Division C. Newspapers under 7,499 circulation.

First Place
JTNews, Seattle, WA

"What Became of the Monks, the Monks, the Monks,” "A Muslim-American Mad at Israel,” and "Papal Bull” by Martin Jaffee

Second Place
Arizona Jewish Post, Tucson, AZ
"Gold Bangles Evoke Exotic Past,” "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex,” and "Discovering a ‘JEM’ in a Dark Cave” by Amy Hirshberg Lederman

Category 2: Award for Excellence in Single Commentary

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and all Magazines/Websites.

First Place
Nextbook.org, New York, NY

"My Lamented Sister” by Etgar Keret

Second Place
The Forward, New York, NY
"An Editor of Many Sins, But… ‘Antisemite’?” by Alana Newhouse

Third Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY

"Pregnant on the Pulpit” by Deborah Wechsler

Divisions B and C. Newspapers below 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, Milwaukee, WI

"Dying for Justice?” by Leon Cohen

Second Place
Jewish Journal North of Boston, Salem, MA
"A Shabbat Dinner to Remember” by Barbara Sidman

Third Place
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ

"Witness” by Deborah Sussman Susser

Category 3: Award for Excellence in Editorial Writing

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and all Magazines/Websites.

First Place
The Forward, New York, NY

"In Dark Times, Blame the Jews” by J.J . Goldberg

Second Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ

"Israel as Political Football” by Andrew Silow-Carroll

Third Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

"But Is It Kosher?” by Rob Eshman

Divisions B and C. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ

"Whatever” by Deborah Sussman Susser

Second Place
Atlanta Jewish Times, Atlanta, GA

"For All Israelis” by Michael Jacobs

Third Place
Jewish Independent, Vancouver, BC

"Fight for Free Speech” 

Category 4: The Boris Smolar Award for Excellence in Comprehensive Coverage or Investigative Reporting

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and all Magazines/Websites.

First Place
JTA, Inc., New York, NY

"Unmasking UNRWA” by Michael J. Jordan

Second Place
The Forward, New York, NY

"Meat Plant Series” by Nathaniel Popper

Third Place
JTA, Inc., New York, NY

"Hitler’s Carmaker” by Edwin Black

Divisions B and C. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Jewish Herald Voice, Houston, TX
"Pushed Out of My Home: I Lift my Lamp - Refugees in Houston, 2006” by Aaron Howard

Second Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Beachwood, OH

"Clock Is Ticking: Despite Community Aid, Some Poor Shoah Survivors Still Wait for Help” by Marilyn H. Karfeld

Third Place
The Jewish Chronicle, Pittsburgh, PA
"Parents of Special Needs Kids Claim ‘Crisis’ in Community” and "s be a Template for Special Ed. Here?” By Lee Chottiner

Category 5: Excellence in News Reporting

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and all Magazines/Websites.

First Place
Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Ontario
"As Tribute to Friend He Carried Torah to Space (Canadian Completes Israeli Astronaut’s Mission)” by Paul Lungen

Second Place
The Forward, New York, NY
"‘Boom Burbs’ Filling up on People, but Jewish Life Is Slow to Follow” by Nathaniel Popper

Third Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ
"They Weren’t Alone, Community Responds with an Outpouring of Aid After Devastating Fire at a ‘Backbone’ Congregation” by Debra Rubin
JTA, Inc., New York, NY
"Sudanese Refugees Jailed in Israel” by Dina Kraft

Division B. Newspapers between 7,500 and 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Hot Lunches, Hot Tempers at the JCC” by Andrea Jacobs

Second Place
Rhode Island Jewish Voice and Herald, Providence, RI
"Community School Gets $1.2 Million” by Jonathan Rubin

Third Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD
"Boy’s Death at Camp Pool Remains Tragic Mystery” by Debra Rubin

Division C. Newspapers under 7,499 circulation.

First Place
Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, Overland Park, KS
"Coincidences Among Crimes at Topeka Houses of Worship Concern Leaders” by Rick Hellman

Second Place
Jewish Independent, Vancouver, BC
"Waiting out the Rising Storm” by Katharine Hamer

Third Place
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
"Napolitano Rescinds Yellow Pages Support” by Deborah Sussman Susser

Category 6: Excellence in Feature Writing 

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation.

First Place
World Jewish Digest, Chicago, IL
"What We No Longer Believe” by Daniel Gordis
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Diaspora Shifts, But Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon” by Joel Kotkin and Zina Klapper

Second Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Baltimore, MD
"Friends: What Happens When a Curriculum Brings Orthodox and Reform Teens Together” by Phil Jacobs

Third Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Bittersweet Symphonies: The Pearls Struggle to Find Life After Daniel’s Death” by Tom Tugend

Honorable Mention
World Jewish Digest, Chicago, IL
"In a Class of Their Own: A New Breed of Jewish Day Schools Competes with the Nation’s Top Academies” by Mindy Schiller
World Jewish Digest, Chicago, IL
"Ilan, ‘Our Murdered Child’” by Bernard Edinger

Division B. Newspapers between 7,500 and 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Atlanta Jewish Times, Atlanta, GA
"A Prescription for Faith” by Suzi Brozman

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Druze: A Religion and a People” by Larry Hankin

Division C. Newspapers under 7,499 circulation.

First Place
The New Standard, Columbus, OH
"The Jewish Comfort Zone” by Bill Cohen

Second Place
Jewish Independent, Vancouver, BC
"Life Lessons from a Beautiful Baby” by Brad Fisher

Third Place
The New Standard,
 Columbus, OH
"Preparing the Dead: Burial Societies Provide Vital Service for Fellow Jews” by Jennifer Hambrick

Division D. Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"19 Hours and 20 Minutes in Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station” by Carl Hoffman

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Total Immersion” by Deborah Fineblum Raub
Na’amat Woman, New York, NY
"Searching for Home” by Dana Ruppin

Third Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"In Israel, Baby Steps” by Leora E. Frucht

Category 7: Excellence in Arts and Criticism News and Features

Division A. Critical analysis/review, usually of a single artistic endeavor, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts.

All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture, New York, NY
"Live by No Man’s Code: The Religious Forms of Philip Roth’s ‘Everyman’” by Stephen Hazan Arnoff

Second Place
Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Ontario
"A Writer’s Long and Dangerous War” by Norman Ravvin

Third Place
The Forward, New York, NY
"Jerry Lewis at 80” by Donald Weber

Division B. Reporting on an artistic endeavor, trend, movement or personality, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts. 

All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Behind the Master’s Canvas” by Toby Axelrod

Second Place
Nextbook.org, New York, NY
"Anger Management” by Ben Birnbaum

Third Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"My Jewish King Kong” by Naomi Pfefferman

Category 8: The David Frank Award for Excellence in Personality Profiles

Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Baltimore, MD
"Silence of ‘The Sage’” by Jack Gilden

Second Place
JTA, Inc., New York, NY
"Doctoring in Ethiopia” by Uriel Heilman

Third Place
JTA, Inc., New York, NY
"Ride ’em Jewboy” by Ruth Ellen Gruber

Divisions B and C. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Drew Soicher” by Andrea Jacobs

Second Place
Atlanta Jewish Times, Atlanta, GA
"The Greater Good” by Tova Fruchtman

Third Place
Chicago Jewish News, Skokie, IL
"Top Prof” by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood

Division D. Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"Brian Epstein: The Man Behind the Beatles” by Nadine Epstein and Walter Podrazik

Second Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"Etgar Keret Has a Cold” by Rebecca Frankel

Third Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"Talking Jewish with Deborah Tannen” by Susan Fishman Orlins

Category 9: Excellence in Overall Graphic Design

Divisions A and D. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Baltimore, MD

Second Place
The Forward, New York, NY

Third Place
The Detroit Jewish News, Detroit, MI

Divisions B and C. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation.

First Place
The Atlanta Jewish Times, Atlanta, GA

Second Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD

Third Place
Chicago Jewish News, Skokie, IL

Category 10: Excellence in Special Sections or Supplements

Divisions A and D. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and Special Sections/Supplements/Websites

First Place
Jewish Week, New York, NY
"Fresh Ink”

Second Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ

Third Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Beachwood, OH
"Business Development: Building a Better City”

Division B. Newspapers between 7,500 and 15,000 circulation.

First Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD
"Guide to Jewish Life”

Second Place
Atlanta Jewish Times, Atlanta, GA
"Atlanta Jewish Film Festival Guide”

Third Place
The Jewish Chronicle, Pittsburgh, PA
"We Are Family”

Division C. Newspapers under 7,499 circulation.

First Place
Jewish Herald-Voice, Houston, TX
"Weddings to Remember”

Second Place
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
"Style” by Jennifer Goldberg

Third Place
Jewish Herald-Voice, Houston, TX

Category 11: Excellence in Photography

Division A. All Newspapers.

First Place
JTA, Inc., New York, NY
"Sister Mourns Brother” by Brian Hendler

Second Place
Jewish Journal, Deerfield Beach, FL
"Yom Ha’atzmaut” by Jason Arnold

Third Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Unveiling Every Secret” by Shari Valenta

Division B. Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"An Idea That Clicked” by Jason Eskenazi and Friends

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Memory in Many Forms” by Stephanie Plick, David Collingwood, Richard T. Nowitz, Elaine, Thompson, Barnabas Honeczy, Seamus Culligan, John Norman, Joe Raedle and Robert Holmes

Third Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Saving the Solomon” by Shari Valenta

Category 12: The Noah Bee Award for Excellence in Illustration and/or Editorial Cartooning

Division A. Cartoons. All Newspapers/Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Greenberg’s View” by Steve Greenberg

Second Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Schmooze or Lose” by Jake Novak and Michael Ciccotello

Third Place
Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, PA
Stuart Goldman

Division B. Illustrations. All Newspapers/Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
Robert Meganck, Yevgenia Naybert and Marvin Friedman

Second Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Carvin Knowles

Third Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
Paddy Molloy, Lino and Michelle Thompson

Category 13: Hadassah Award for Excellence in Writing about Women

All Newspapers and Magazines/SPecial Sections and Supplements/Websites. 

First Place
Jewish Woman Magazine, Washington, DC
"Finding the Words” by Rahel Musleah

Second Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"Living with Closed Eyes” by Suzanne F. Singer and Jessica Steinberg

Third Place
Moment, Washington, DC
"In Chambers with Ruth Bader Ginsberg” by Abigail Pogrebin

Category 14: Nefesh B’Nefesh Award for The Story of Aliyah (Special Category)

All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements/Websites.

First Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Return to the Promised Land” by Amy Klein

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"South Side Story” by Dina Kraft

Third Place
Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Ontario
"Ex-Montrealer Is Israel’s Newest Home Boy” by Jenny Hazan

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