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The 33rd Annual Simon Rockower Award Winners

2014 Competition (for work done in 2013)

Awards were presented at the 33rd Annual Simon Rockower Awards & 70th Anniversary Banquet held in conjunction with the American Jewish Press Association’s annual conference in National Harbor on November 9, 2014. Click here to download the Rockower booklet.

Category 1: The Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ 
"Commemorative Dissonance," "Funny, You Don't Look Pewish," "The Banality of Walker” by Andrew Silow-Carroll
Link not available

Second Place
Marla Cohen, New York, NY
"How We Define Community," "Turkey and Latkes Meet for a Once-in-a-Lifetime Mashup," "Tel Aviv Is Not Sun City" by Marla Cohen http://www.marlaecohen.com/how-we-define-community

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Cleveland, OH
"Words Are More Than Just Letters," "What's in a New Year? One Word," "Thanksgiving - a Holiday That Hits Home" by Regina Brett

Second Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"News & Schmooze," "Life as a Salesman, a Tribute to Dad," "Of Weiss and Mane" by Ellen Futterman

Category 2: Award for Excellence in Single Commentary

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Jewish Action (Orthodox Union), New York, NY
"The Decline of the Rabbinic Sermon" by Zev Eleff
Comments: An intriguing little history of Orthodox sermons in America, with thoughts worth considering by the rabbis. A good and worthwhile read for professionals and lay alike.

Second Place
Marla Cohen, New York, NY
"What Shuls Can Learn From Shoes" by Marla Cohen
Comments: A chatty and engaging presentation of the problems facing American synagogues today, along with potential solutions that are easy for the layperson to judge. 

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Jewish Voice, Wilmington, DE
"The Fear of Pew" by Shoshana Martyniak
Comments: Well written and strongly argued.

Second Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"Hagel the Unready?" by Robert Cohn
Comments: Strongly argued and straight to the point. A model of concise opinion writing.

Category 3: Award for Excellence in Personal Essay

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Jewish Action (Orthodox Union), New York, NY
"The Courage to Serve: A Chareidi Girl in the IDF" by Fayga  Marks
Link not available

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Blood Libel on Main Street" by Shirley Reva Vernick

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, Milwaukee, WI
"Suicide Leaves More Questions Than Answers" by Amy Waldman

Second Place
Judy Bolton-Fasman
"Reciting Kaddish as a Daughter" by Judy Bolton-Fasman

Category 4: Award for Excellence in Editorial Writing

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
The Canadian Jewish News, Ontario, Canada 
"Renewing Our Vows," "Strengthen Our Unity," "Summit on Education” by Mordechai Ben-Dat
Link not available
Comments: Well written and strongly argued. Excellent use of the paper's bully pulpit to speak for the community.

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"If a Pillow and a Pear Come From a Synagogue, They're Not Treif," "JEWISHcolorado's Gamble," "Israel's Education Minister Has Lost It" by Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
Link not available
Comments: Beautifully written and strongly argued pieces on an interesting mix of local and global issues.

Second Place
Jewish Herald-Voice, Houston, TX
"Lest We Be Reminded," "There's No Accounting for Genius," "Boycotters Harm Themselves and Peace” by Michael Duke
Comments: Solid arguments on a good selection of issues.

Category 5: The Boris Smolar Award for Excellence in Enterprise or Investigative Reporting

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
The Jewish Channel, New York, NY
"The Rabbi Behind the Screen" by Steven I. Weiss

Second Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ
"Busted: Arrest of Rabbis Who Helped Women Get Jewish Divorces Tears At Wounds" by Larry Yudelson
Link not available

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mill, MD
"The 21st-Century Iranian Jew: Precarious Lives of Pride and Fear" by Maayan Jaffe

Second Place
The Boiling Point, Los Angeles, CA
"Controversy Over Whether Girls Should Be Allowed to Wear Tefillin During Prayer at Our School" by Noah Rothman

Category 6: Award for Excellence in News Reporting

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Jewish StandardTeaneck, NJ
"Outcry Over Hosting a Sex Offender" by Larry Yudelson
Comments: Skillfully explores an issue that is usually swept under the rug - or generally associated only with the Catholic Church. Deeply reported, this story is especially good at sensitively exploring the struggles on this issue within the Orthodox community.

Second Place
j. the Jewish news of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"Tragedy at Camp Tawonga" by Dan Pine
Comments: A tree accident that kills one person hardly qualifies as "news" these days, but this story looks in-depth at one such tragedy, and the challenges of communicating effectively with the aggrieved. Thorough, and fair to all sides.

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Jewish Herald-Voice, Houston, TX
"Bar Mitzvah on Death Row" by Michael Duke
Comments: A fascinating story about a rabbi who insists on meeting a death row inmate during his final days and offering him a chance to reconcile himself with his Jewish roots. I was captivated from the first sentence. The story didn't try to gloss over the inmate's past or his violent predilections. The writer brought a refreshing realism to a story that moved quickly without excessively long quotes or descriptions. This may not have been the newsiest of stories, but it brought to light a rare instance in which a faith tradition can bring a sense of healing and reconciliation in the least likely of places -- death row.

Second Place
The Jewish Chronicle, Pittsburgh, PA
"Standoff -- TOL*OLS Balks at USCJ Dues Structure" by Toby Tabachnick
Comments: This story about a Conservative congregation that was suspended from the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism is an excellent example of a news story that expands beyond the immediate news peg to explain some of the vicissitudes of Jewish denominational life in the 21st  century. Like Christian churches, Jewish congregations are rethinking their relationship to the denomination, as younger generations rebel against old and increasingly archaic structures. This story brought plenty of different viewpoints to the discussion. It did not exclude frank or contrarian voices and it offered good context.

Category 7: Award for Excellence in Social Justice Reporting

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
j. the Jewish news of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"Power to the People: Berkeley Couple Brings Light to Clinics in Developing Nations" by Dan Pine

Second Place
New Jersey Jewish News, WhippanyNJ 
"Immigration Returns to Communal Agenda," "NJ Native Leads HIAS into 'Leviticus' Era" by Johanna Ginsberg

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mill, MD
"Between Victim & Perpetrator" by Maayan Jaffe

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"The Sad, Sad Story of Sally Levin" by Chris Leppek

Category 8: Award for Excellence in Feature Writing

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over.

First Place
j. the Jewish news of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"Growing Up Frum: Observant Teens Navigate Their Way Through Famously Liberal Bay Area" by Emma Silvers

Second Place
Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, PA
"Chabad Influence" by Bryan Schwartzman

Division B. Newspapers from 7,500-14,999 circulation.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"The Sad, Sad Story of Sally Levin" by Chris Leppek
Comments: A fascinating, moving story that used a mix of research and contemporary reporting. 

Second Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Cleveland, OH
"Sherman Feature" by Michael C. Butz
Comments: An emotional story told with thorough details and heartwarming anecdotes.

Division C. Newspapers from 1-7,499 circulation.

First Place
Arizona Jewish Post, Tucson, AZ
"Warmth, Eye-Opening Perspective for Local Firefighters in Israel" by Nancy Ben-Asher Ozeri

Second Place
The Dayton Jewish Observer, Centerville, OH
"Convention Center Goes Kosher for Chabad Wedding" by Marshall Weiss

Division D. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Awe & Memory: the Yom Kippur War" by Esther Hecht, David W. Weiss, Yehoshua Sivan, Barbara Goldstein and Rochelle Furstenberg

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Little Big Land" by David W. Weiss

Category 9: Award for Excellence in Arts and Criticism News and Features

Division A. Critical analysis/review, usually of a single artistic endeavor, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts. All Newspapers and Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Herod Revisited" by Esther Hecht
Comments: A very thorough and detailed description of an exhibit of a well-known figure in Jewish history. While almost scholarly in breadth, it was also lively and readable, nicely covering the contradictions in Herod's life.

Second Place
JTNews, Seattle, WA
"This Book Is Not as Awful as You Want It to Be" by Erin Pike
Comments: A cleverly written account that entertains as much as it informs (probably more than the book (s) in question). It's a tricky task to accomplish without being condescending or juvenile, and this review pulls it off deftly. 

Division B. Reporting on an artistic endeavor, trend, movement or personality, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts. All Newspapers and Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Contractual Beauty" by Jenna Weissman Joselit
Comments: Solid reporting on a custom that had lost its oomph being and adapted by contemporary couples with the story enhanced by beautiful, colorful ketubahs.

Second Place
Simi Horwitz
"It's Not Easy Being a Jewish Artist in a Muslim Land, Theater Professionals Face Challenges in Arab Countries" by Simi Horwitz

Category 10: The David Frank Award for Excellence in Personality Profiles

Division A: Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over.

First Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ
"The Goldin Way" by Joanne Palmer
Link not available
Comments: Rabbi Shmuel Goldin stepped down last summer as president of the Rabbinical  Council of America, the organization representing Orthodox rabbis. In "'Rabbi of Rabbis' Looks Back," Joanne Palmer offers readers an insightful, well-rounded profile of a thoughtful, courageous religious leader attempting to walk a middle path between tradition and modernity in his movement, and balance competing interests under the big tent of modern Orthodoxy. Palmer explores Goldin's family background, itself a melding of two strains of American Orthodox Judaism, and engages the rabbi in an extensive discussion of his goals, accomplishments, and challenges as head of the RCA. She supplements the main story with two sidebars highlighting others' reflections on Rabbi Goldin, thus leaving readers with a richer understanding of the tensions not just in the Orthodox world but American Jewry generally.

Second Place
Hamodia, Brooklyn, NY
"Art to Heart: The Colors of Caring" by Suri Cohen
Comments: It is impossible not to like and admire Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Braunstein after reading Suri Cohen's warm and well-written profile of this learned rabbi, retired public-school teacher, camp art director, and all-round mensch and mentor. Cohen expertly captures Rabbi Braunstein's "ebullient personality and outsize heart" by tracing the arc of his life and career, probing his interest in art and music, and illustrating by example his special gifts as a teacher of children and young adults. Non-Yiddish-speaking readers might need a dictionary to understand certain words in this story, but there is no mistaking the fine match between author and subject in this enjoyable, illuminating piece.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Chicago Jewish News, Skokie, IL
"Chicago Teachers Union President" by Pauline Yearwood
Link not available
http://www.cjvoices.org/article/the-urban-rabbi/Comments: Veteran writer Pauline Yearwood proved once again why she has been a frequent winner in the Rockower competition. Her profile of Karen Lewis provides a Jewish dimension to one of Chicago's most controversial union leaders. The fact that Karen is Jewish probably came as a surprise to many readers of the Chicago Jewish News. Pauline did a superior job of fleshing out what Karen's Jewishness means to her.

Second Place
The Boiling Point, Los Angeles, CA
"The Journey of Yosef Nemanpour" by Adam Rokah
Comments: "The journey of Yosef Nemanpour" was one of the best written pieces in this category. With a heavy use of good quotes and a fast-moving writing style, the author breathed life into her subject. But at the same time, this very good article could have been even better at the hands of a gifted copy editor. Nevertheless, the story of Yosef was inspirational and should be shared in a more widely circulated publication aimed at Jewish day school students and their parents. Overall this was an important and well-told story. 

Division C. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
CJ Voices of Conservative/Masorti Judaism, New York, NY
"The Urban Rabbi" by Michael Schulson
Comments: "The Urban Rabbi" is an outstanding portrait not only of a young, energetic and idealistic Conservative rabbi but a complex community - Baltimore's Reservoir Hill, once a Jewish neighborhood and now a poverty-stricken, drug invested corner of the city in which the rabbi's synagogue sits. Author Michael Schulson conveys with insight and sensitivity Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg's passion to build meaningful bridges between his congregation and the neighborhood, thereby expressing the "fundamental Jewish value" that all people are created in God's image. The story benefits from Schulson's historical research as well as his successful attempt to understand Rabbi Burg's background and inspiration, and reminds us that "synagogue" can mean many things in contemporary American life.

Second Place
Hadassah, New York, NY
"Letty Cottin Pogrebin" by Rahel Musleah
Comments: Much has been written by and about the Jewish feminist, activist and author Letty Cottin Pogrebin, but Rahel Musleah's polished profile ties it all together in one neat and engrossing package, presenting a quintessentially New York dynamo whose influence has extended far beyond her sisters, her city and the Jewish world. Musleah's story reflects the energy one must feel in Pogrebin's presence, and forsakes a cliched portrait of Letty, the icon, for a more complex and probing look at the accomplished modern woman behind her. 

Category 11: Award for Excellence in Special Sections or Supplements

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over.

First Place
The Jewish Week, New York, NY
"Kosher Wine Guide"

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish NewsDenver, CO
"100 Years" by the Intermountain Jewish News

Category 12: The Rambam Award for Excellence in Writing About Health Care

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Israel's AIDS Model" by Wendy Elliman

Second Place
Southern Jewish Life Magazine, Birmingham, AL
"Israelis Help New Orleans Prepare for the Unthinkable" by Larry Brook

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
JTNews, Seattle, WA
"Confused by I-522? Look to Israel for Guidance," "Man's Best Friend, Cancer's Worst Enemy?," "Our Bodies: Time to Tone and Atone" by Janis Siegel

Category 13: Award for Excellence in Organizational Newsletters

Division A. Organizational Hard Copy.

First Place
Jewish National Fund, New York, NY
B'yachad Magazine by Ariel Vered, Jodi Bodner and Sherene Strausberg
No link available 
Comments: Lively writing and design, with excellent use of color and graphics (such as maps). The many photos of donors are organized in an easy-to-read manner. Use of a serif font would make this newsletter easier to read, especially when you use different colors for text. Well done.

Division B. eNewsletter.

First Place
InterfaithFamily, Newton Upper Falls, MA
InterfaithFamily's bi-weekly eNewsletter by Lindsey Silken
Comments: This e-letter is well integrated with the website, which offers a plethora of information and support. You cover your topic well, with a large variety of content in each issue. (However, it requires a lot of scrolling down the page to view the content.) The writing is lively engaging and informal (fun pop culture coverage as well as practical topics), and good use of graphics and photos. Use of URLs is helpful. Strong work!

Category 14: Award for Excellence in Writing About Women

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Pascale Bercovitch" by  Leora Eren Frucht
Comments: A compelling story. Pascale is emblematic of the Israeli spirit, refusing to give into self-pity and instead, creating a life that inspires. Piece is well-written and memorable.

Second Place
Jewish Action (Orthodox Union), New York, NY
"The Courage to Serve: A Chareidi Girl in the IDF" by Fayga Marks
No link available  Comments: Fayga marches to her own beat. Who knows which camp she shocked more: the Haredi community or the military, by joining the IDF? She served well while also staying true to herself and values, maintaining kashrut and wearing long skirts. No doubt her quiet example led many secular compatriots to take another look at Judaism, The Religion -- or at least, to take a more respectful stance -- while her bravery in joining the IDF must have been thought-provoking back home. I only wish I could learn more about her life post-IDF.

Category 15: The Jacob Rader Marcus Award for Journalistic Excellence in American Jewish History

Division A. 
Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place

Jewish Action (Orthodox Union), New York, NY
"The Guru of Kashrut: Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg and the Transformation of Kashrut in America" by Timothy D. Lytton 
No link available 
Comments: Lytton's piece not only unpacks the organizational and religious impact of Rabbi Alexander Rosenberg on the transformation of kashrut supervision in the United States but it also provides a glimpse into the sorry state of the American kosher food industry prior to World War II.

Second Place
Hamodia, Brooklyn, NY
"Rescue Against Great Odds: The Heroism of Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus of Philadelphia" by Evelyne Singer
No link available
Comments: Although Evelyne Singer begins her article with a harsh criticism of American Jews, when she turns to the story of the 50 children and the efforts of Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus, she writes a moving and powerful account of a couple's success in saving lives in 1939 on the eve of World War II. 

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Dina Weinstein, Coral Gables, FL
"50 Years of Integration Began With Jewish Student's Editorial - Melvin Meyer Risked All With 1962 Alabama Plea for Justice" by Dina Weinstein
Comments: In a short but effective story Dina Weinstein connects the history of a pro-integration an editorial, for which the Jewish student editor of the University of Alabama newspaper took credit, with the anger it unleashed and the subsequent path taken to Sufi mysticism. The article suggests the strange and difficult turns of American Jewish history in the South during the early 1960s and the costs of being different. 

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Louis D. Brandeis" by Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
No link available
Comments: This long analysis of Louis D. Brandeis revisits and reinterprets his transformation into an outstanding Jewish and Zionist leader. Goldberg argues for the inherent and non-conflicted character of Brandeis' Jewish identity that comes to the fore as a result of a confluence of events in the years 1903-1913. It is a thoughtful and persuasive piece of writing. 

Category 16: Award for Excellence in Overall Graphic Design

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over.

First Place
Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, PA
August 22, October 10 and October 17 Issues by Julia Elkin

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Jewish News by CJN Staff

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
Intermountain Jewish News

Division C. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
April/May 2013, August/September 2013, December 2013 Issues by Jodie Berzin Rossi

Category 17: Award for Excellence in Graphic Design: COVER

Division A. Magazines.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
April/May 2013 by Michael Chelbin
Comments: Well-chosen photo treated simply and well.

Division B. Newspapers.

First Place
j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California
February 22, December 12 and August 2 by Cathleen Maclearie

Second Place
Jewish StandardTeaneck, NJ
March 1, April 12 and November 22 by Jerry Szubin

Category 18: 
The Noah Bee Award for Excellence in Illustrating and/or Editorial Cartooning

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
April/May, August/September, December 2013 Issues by Grauert, Shadmi, Streeter, Wertz, Thompson, Nayberg and Morri 
No link available  

Category 19: Award for Excellence in Photography

Division A. All 

First Place
j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"Sea of Reeds" by Cathleen Maclearie
No link available 

Second Place
Jewish Journal of WNY, Buffalo, NY
"What Do We Do Now?" by Linda Gellman

Division B. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web-Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
June/July 2013 Issue by Elin Schoen Brockman
No link available 

Category 20: Award for Outstanding Digital Outreach

Division A. 
Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; all Magazines.

First Place
Chicago JUF News, Chicago, IL
"Double Chai in the Chi: 36 Under 36" by Stefanie Bregman

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Jewish Voice, Wilmington, DE
SHALOM Delaware e-strategy by Seth Katzen, Andrea Bock, Kathryn Weissenberger, Julie James
Comments: Great mix of platforms for outreach, including LinkedIn as well as an app. Nice way to reach people where they are.

Division C. Web-Based Outlets; Jewish Organizations.

First Place Tie
My Jewish Learning, New York, NY
Kveller.com - Deborah Kolben and Molly Tolsky
Comments: Excellent mix of compelling online content, email newsletters and social media outreach, including Pinterest. Great interaction with audience and good to see increases in followers too.

InterfaithFamily, Newton Upper Falls, MA
InterfaithFamily's Digital Platform by Lindsey Silken, Heather Martin, Ed Case
Comments: Great use of different platforms including FB groups, YouTube, blogs and more. Really reaches people and gets interaction going.

Category 21: Award for Excellence in a Multi-Media Story

Division A. Jewish Media Outlets.

First Place
The Jewish Channel, New York, NY
"Chained Wives at Crossroads" by Rebecca Honig Friedman, Christian Niedan and Claude Apollon
Comments: Excellent, informative piece on an important subject. Includes interviews and commentary.

Division B. Jewish Organizations.

First Place
Herschel Finman, Oak Park, MI
"Ephraim Zuroff - The Last Nazi Hunter" by Herschel Finman, The Jewish Hour, Bnai Teshuva Congregation
Fascinating call-in with the "last nazi hunter" and interesting discussion.

Category 22: Award for Excellence in Blogging

First Place
Edmon J. Rodman, Los Angeles, CA
"Guide for the Jewplexed" by Edmon J. Rodman

Second Place
InterfaithFamily, Newton Upper Falls, MA
InterfaithFamily's Wedding Blog by Lindsey Silken, Anne Keefe, Sam Goodman, Dana Pulda, Chris Acone

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