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JRelease: Maurits Kiek, a hero remembered on World Peace Day in Indonesia

October 16, 2019 10:55 AM | Deleted user

(Yogyakarta) In celebration of World Peace Day, the documentary,  “Herinneren: Het verhaal van Maurits Kiek... Remembering: The Maurits Kiek Story” was screened for the first time in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This film received critical acclaim for its powerful message of personal responsibility to fight injustice in order to insure peace and civility.

“Herinneren: Het verhaal van Maurits Kiek…Remembering: The Maurits Kiek Story” is a story of a young Jewish man, who courageously put his own life at risk and returned to Nazi-occupied Europe to fight the perpetrators of evil.  He served as a covert British MI-9 agent and engaged in saving the lives of allied airmen and others regardless of race, religion, or creed. Maurits Kiek’s story provides a timeless lesson.

Cheryl Halpern, the American producer and director of this featured documentary explained, "When I produced and directed this documentary, my main goal was to have it screened around the world for as many diverse audiences as possible.  Today we are seeing, once again, the rise of extremism, neo-Nazism, prejudice, violence and racism. This is a social epidemic of global proportions. The story of Maurits Kiek needs to be shared in order for lessons to be learned.  It is important for youth to have role models like the 23 year old Maurits Kiek.”

Queen of Pakualaman Al-Hajj IX, who attended the event, remarked, “I just finished watching a powerful, inspiring movie about the struggle of a man to defend what was right and who was willing to sacrifice himself to save others. It is quite an extraordinary story. I think we all need to stand hand in hand, ensuring that the incomprehensible inhumanity of the Nazi regime that ravaged Europe will never happen again. We cannot guarantee the non-reoccurrence; however, we can always promote peace within our society. That is one of the many ways we can attempt to prevent history from repeating itself”.

In addition, the Vice Mayor of Wonosobo, Ir. Agus Subagiyo M.Si, commented, “The regent of Wonosobo highly appreciates this movie. It tells the story of a man who was courageous in his resistance to a brutal military oppressor in the fight to restore peace and justice to Europe during World War 2. It is an example of true heroism that Indonesia can adapt to teach our own.  Every individual needs to take a stand in the continuing challenge to promote peace and human dignity.  We cannot be silent and unresponsive to the threats that are emerging.”

Tondi Hasibuan, the 12th King of Huristak in Padang Lawas, West Sumatera, further added that “This kind of movie is really empowering and educational. I strongly believe that more movies like this need to be made in the future. That way, people can constantly learn the important lessons from history”.

The Committee for International Festivals worked together with the Nusantara Culture Society (MATRA), AMIKOM University in Yogyakarta, the Visions of a Peaceful Tomorrow Initiative (VOPI) and multiple pesantren (boarding schools) to celebrate World Peace Day, throughout the month of September; in Yogyakarta, Sleman, Sukabumi, Sragen, Karanganyar and Jakarta. The screening of “Herinneren: Het verhaal van Maurits Kiek... Remembering: The Maurits Kiek Story” was the hallmark for the World Peace Day 2019 events.  

“The future belongs to the young generation as they assume their familial and societal roles. If they don’t learn how to be courageous when facing prejudice, intolerance, racism and violence, I fear for my grandchildren and for global society in general. I value the opportunity that was given to me to have interactive discussions with the young Indonesian students about Maurits Kiek and his determination to fight against merciless brutality.  If we can all learn from the story, we may stand a better chance at maintaining and sustaining a more just and peaceful society for ourselves and our families,” concluded Mrs. Halpern.

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmAX8iAYz9E

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